Clifton E Marsh
Dr. Clifton E. Marsh (born August 10, 1946) is an American author, sociologist and educator. He has written a number of books that chronicle the history of various people of the African Diaspora. Dr. Marsh is best known for his examination of the Nation of Islam in The Lost-Found Nation of Islam in America. (Scarecrow Press, Inc. 1996) The book follows in the tradition of C. Eric Lincoln's The Black Muslims in America which first introduced the Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X into the American consciousness. The Lost-Found Nation of Islam in America spans the history of the organization, while also covering its most recent milestones and benchmarks such as the emergence of Louis Farrakhan as a world leader; the International Saviour's Day Conference of 1994 in Accra, Ghana and the Million Man March in 1995.
A Marsh's Books:
Tags: henry james charles stearns fyodor dostoevsky charles bruce david weinberger charles clarke lucien descaves arthur zagat william andrus alcott
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